miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

20 facts about me

1-My favorite color is orange.
2-my favorite series is arrow.
3-love comics.
4-like to read. 
5-my favorite car are the muscles car more the mustang of 1969.
6-my favorite super hero movie is avengers.
7- my favorite super hero is green arrow.
8- love rap music.
9-my favorite rapper is eminem. 
10-love writing stories more if includes supernatural things.
11-love helping people.
12- like surfing.
13-I will like to go skydiving.
14-I believe in aliens.
15- I dont like worlking on the day prefer night.
16-i will like to live in canada .
17-I admire jules verne.
18-I admire dexter yager.
19-I admire warren buffet.
20-the most thing i hate is posting 20 things about me in a blog 😋.

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